persons hand with white manicure

The Mission

Together we can create a better future for all. If you share any of these visions,
check out what we're planning and how you can contribute below.

The Enchanted Valley

One of my most wonderful manifestations, the Enchanted Valley is the beautiful place I call home in Monchique, Portugal. A magical place with old growth trees, loads of fruit trees, two creeks joining, in pure peace by the sound of water and birds chirping.

After a while of feeling the immense benefits of living in pure nature and connection, came the idea to develop a retreat center that could benefit the whole community and holistic healers.

However we realised that with little to no funding and two people working very hard (me and my partner Adriano) there was so much we could do.

We still hosted a few events like the ZEN walk and my workshops. But I know it can be so much more! We have most of the skills, most of the equipment, a lot of determination and love for the land.

If you'd like to contribute to its development, check out the bottom of the page. 💚🤗✨

brown tabby kitten sitting on floor
brown tabby kitten sitting on floor

I have a great respect and love for animals, conscious beings in their own way, and it is a dear wish for the future to create a centre in which we have both holistic as traditional medicine, made available to all to access.

Together with it and to make it sustainable and support other needs of animals and their tutors, I envision having dog trainers, an animal hotel (dogs and cats), a park with many fun contraptions to play with where the community can gather and also host events and a rehoming shelter with all the necessary care and love while waiting to the forever family. I image involving the children in projects with the animals to raise awareness and promote heart based practices and behaviours for the future.

It will require the acquisition of a big sized land somewhere the animals can be themselves without anyone complaining and where they can run freely and happily!

If you'd like to contribute to its development, check out the bottom of the page. 💚🤗✨

silhouette photography of person
silhouette photography of person
low angle photography of trees at daytime
low angle photography of trees at daytime
Caring for the Animals
Supporting Dreams

Another of my wishes is to create a fund to support people in achieving their dreams. It would have mentoring in Conscious Creation as their inner power will do most of the work, alongside the proper support of a team that would include professionals of the areas required (like construction, marketing, social media creators, accountants, lawyers, etc).

We would help in accessing the potential of the idea as well as assisting in the creation of a concrete business plan to aid the person to go from the idea into reality.

We would provide between 70-90% of the cost of investment to make it come true, besides the aformentioned logistical support, according with the capabilities and limitations of the person.

For sustainability of the Fund, we'd ask in return between 3-5% of profits acquired for a period of time to be determined amongst both parts.

If you'd like to contribute to its development, check out the bottom of the page. 💚🤗✨

Supporting and Restoring Nature

The well-being of nature is our well-being and I'm determined to contribute towards an harmonious relationship with it, also assisting in the restauration of what we have destroyed with our ways.

This would be done through education in sustainable food cultivation, reforestation, the creation of water reserves, self-sustainability projects, biogas production facilities with biological waste, waste material reuse facilities, renewable energy from various sources and the development of direct communication with Mother Earth.

As we grow, learn and evolve, I'm sure we'll be better equiped to carry on this challenge and have greater wisdom on the best applications and strategies.

If you'd like to contribute to its development, check out the bottom of the page. 💚🤗✨

There are more, but let's start with these first and go from there 💚🤗

Ways you Can Contribute to these Missions

Spread the word about the New Earth principles and support us by purchasing our products.

You can also invest in your spiritual expansion by getting one of the books or attending an event.

These projects will take a lot of people to organise so, if you feel like you're keen in volunteering or collaborating with your skills, get in touch with us.

Perhaps you have ideas, suggestions, professionals in the areas needed you can recommend or informations about how to go about it?

Or you can give an amount that feels confortable to you at the moment. You can use Paypal or Cripto currency. Everything counts and is appreciated. And remember, when you contribute to something you believe in, you'll see more of it and what you give, comes back multiplied. 

Thank you! 🙏🤗💚✨