assorted-title of books piled in the shelves

Great Resources from Other LightWorkers

Extraordinary Books and Media Pages that will surely assist you on your awakening journey of empowerment and joy.

Books that Will Expand your Awareness

They've helped me a lot. I hope they can also benefit you. They are in different formats. Most you can download file. Much love

There are maaaaany more, but I had to keep it simple. Below you can find a link to all of these and more.

Amazing Channel Sharing a Lost of Wisdom in Audiobooks

Channels that Will Expand your Awareness

They've continually blown my mind by the quality and content they present. May they be of service to you also. And of course, there are more!

Universe Inside You - Amazingly Done Documentaries to explore!

Abraham Hicks - Channeled wise multidimensional being.

Bashar - Channeled First Contact Officer from parallel reality

Aaron Doughty - To help you expand your consciousness!

Why Files - A great channel to explore several perspectives

Podcasts with many amazing spiritual leaders.

Amazing examples of people living off-grid to inspire you.

Russel Brand - Exposing what is truly happening on the planet.

Gregg Braden - Your mind will be blown!