white and brown book on brown woven surface


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The Gift of Sadness and the Path of Joy

This book is inspired in my personal life journey. As I learnt the importance of sadness in ones' life but also how to move through life, with joy.

Yes, there will be ups and downs, but it gets easier and lighter. Plus, you learn to create your dream life in the process with the tools I share to empower you to harness your divine creator nature!

I am certain it will benefit a lot of people!

Here is an excerpt of the introduction:

"During my short life, I’ve witnessed an incredible epidemic of sadness taking over modern societies. Despite our proud clamour for technological advances and civilized ways, we fail or refuse to acknowledge the damage we’re causing in our own home and to ourselves.

We fail to see our connection.

We forget that humankind are brothers and sisters, sharing a collective experience. No, we’ve been taught to divide. All sort of irrelevant differences that, in my opinion only contribute to the beauty and variety of life itself. Color of skin, place of birth, religion, genders, political view, etc.

This, coupled with a disconnection with our own body, repeating patterns of knowingly unhealthy behaviour, causing an imbalance at all levels. It is not to wonder, that, despite all the medical improvements, there is a rise in severe and chronic illness, both of the body and the mind.

We call them problems. We fight them.

What if it is a symptom of something much bigger?"

cristina rodrigues, book, the gift of sadness and the path of joy
cristina rodrigues, book, the gift of sadness and the path of joy
1001 Lives

We are individual pieces of a great puzzle. We all have a unique set of talents, perspective and experiences that can be of benefit to everyone else. I do not believe that one must achieve the usual recipe of success promoted by our current western society but that each and everyone has their unique recipe for success. Also, from knowing others' life stories we realise we are NOT alone, we feel more understood and undertanding towards other. It promotes empathy and compassion.

From what I've come to understand about reality, source has wishes to experience and get to know itself in all colours and settings. I believe that by learning about others' experience, that will allow us to exponentially expand our awareness.

As such, this book is of great service to humanity and I look forwad to put it together!

If you wish to be a part of this, you can share your story with me. My plan is to give the majority of the profits to the people that contribute to create it. Get in touch and I'll give you the specific guidelines to submit your story.

Thank you!

cristina rodrigues, book, 1001 lives, all lives matter
cristina rodrigues, book, 1001 lives, all lives matter
1001 Lives: Awakening

Even more fascinating to me are the awakening stories one has coming into this spiritual rediscovery! 

Mine, starting with a ghost, fueled by immense curiosity, having UFO encounters and discovery of our immense "out of the ordinary" capabilities and realizing more about the outstanding nature of reality through life experience and practice.

Each time I meet someone new in this path, I enquire and the stories I've heard are amazing! Also, I've come to read and learn about many of the most advance souls working on this field and it's mindblowing.

So I invite you to be a part of this work. It will help guide and awaken other souls still trapped within the matrix.

If you wish to be a part of this, you can share you story with me. My plan is to give the majority of the profits to the people that contribute to create it. Get in touch and I'll give you the specific guidelines to submit your story.

Thank you!

cristina rodrigues, book, 1001 lives, awakening
cristina rodrigues, book, 1001 lives, awakening
Mind Altering Explorations

With this book it is my wish to share the knowledge I acquired using different consciousness altering substances both to desmistify and educate about their benefits and their downfalls. 

I also provide a critical reflection upon legal and illegal substances and why it is so within our own culture, along with what I've understood are the main reasons behind their use and how to care for yourself in other ways.

Ending by showing how different holistic practices can also provide mind expanding experiences and a true joy that comes from within, which far surpasses anything we could create artificially!